10 Best Pyramid Bowling Balls Reviewed [2022] + Guide

With the growing popularity of the bowling game, more & more sellers are entering to fulfill the rising demands of the bowling products. Pyramid is one of the new entrants in the market of bowling products challenging the old-timers in a big way. In a short span of less than a decade, they have made a place for themselves by offering high-quality bowling products at an affordable price range.

Here we will review some of the best bowling balls offered by the Pyramid for bowlers with different skill levels playing in varied lane conditions. If you too are on a lookout for an excellent quality bowling ball at an affordable price point, read through the reviews and the buyer’s guide to get your best Pyramid bowling ball at the most decent price.

Top 10 Best Pyramid Bowling Balls Reviewed

  1. Pyramid Path Rising Bowling Ball
  2. Pyramid Curse Bowling Ball
  3. Pyramid Antidote Bowling Ball
  4. Pyramid Pathogen Bowling Ball
  5. Pyramid Clear Skull Bowling Ball
  6. Pyramid Pathogen Plague Pearl
  7. Pyramid Enchanted Path Rising
  8. Pyramid Pathogen Plague Urethane
  9. Pyramid Chosen Path Pearl Black/Lime Green
  10. Pyramid Pathogen Blue Dot

#1. Pyramid Path Rising Bowling Ball

[amazon fields=”B00JJID15K” value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Path Rising Bowling Ball” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The Pyramid Path Rising is one of the most popular bowling balls from the house of Pyramid. The ball features the New Era 139 core that offers high versatility to the bowling ball. It allows you to choose your finger positions by drilling the hole as per your style of playing the bowling game.

You can drill the holes for the ball to travel a long distance with a strong hook or drill for the strong roll and aggressive backend. Wrapped inside the Path Reactive Pearl cover stock, the ball fits into the scheme of things for bowlers of all skill levels. Additionally, the 1500-Grit finish further enhances the ball’s action at the far end causing a lot of trouble for the deck pins.

#2. Pyramid Curse Bowling Ball

[amazon fields=”B01KP4JN8K” value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Curse Bowling Ball” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The SG-Equinox core used in the Pyramid Curse Bowling Ball is a Symmetrical core with low RG and low differential. The bowling ball perfectly reads the mid-lane and strikes the other end with amazing precision and consistency.

The GPS Navigational ATX Solid cover stock makes for a strong cover stock. Additionally, the 2000 Grit Abralon finish of the robust wrapping up over the highly functional core offers a deadly view of dislodged pins through the most aggressive back-end reaction.

#3. Pyramid Antidote Bowling Ball

[amazon fields=”B01KP4EHJ0″ value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Antidote Bowling Ball” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The Antidote from Pyramid is a perfect solution to the trickiest bowling situation when the oil begins to spread all over the lane. The bowling ball comes with the New Era 149 weight block that has high RG and high differential. So, you can’t doubt the flare potential. It will be on spot every time.

Now, when this high RG weight block gets the majestic GPS Navigational Solid cover stock, the outcome is as sensational as you can imagine. And if the lane has medium-heavy oil conditions, you just need to look at the release for the result will be the same with every shot.

You can’t expect a stronger and smoother reaction of the bowling ball than exhibited by the Antidote. The 2000 Grit finish only adds to the striking capacity of the ball and makes it deadlier.

#4. Pyramid Pathogen Bowling Ball

[amazon fields=”B017UKIN5Q” value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Pathogen Bowling Ball” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The Pyramid Pathogen Bowling Ball makes the lane reading look super easy- thanks to the core and the cover stock combo used in building the ball into a real shooter. Just by lifting the bowling ball, you know that the New Era 139 core will not allow the bowling ball to drift its path over the lane. And with the GPS Navigational Solid you know it’s only the release that needs your finger work and rest will be navigated with absolute ease by the 2000 Grit finish cover stock.

The blend offers length, and the super smoothness and the unmatched control over the medium-oil lanes with unparalleled consistency.

#5. Pyramid Clear Skull Bowling Ball

[amazon fields=”B07HMB11W5″ value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Clear Skull Bowling Ball” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The Pyramid Clear skull bowling ball has a unique design. The transparent cover stock allows you to have the full view of the Skull design core inside it.

The bowling ball offers one of the most controlled movements on the lanes, displaying extreme elegance and supreme style. The clear Polyester cover allows the ball to move without hooking and strike the far end with a high level of predictability.

The beginners will love to release the bowling ball on the lanes to learn the basics of the game while the pros will proudly use it as a spare ball for the suitable lanes.

#6. Pyramid Pathogen Plague Pearl

[amazon fields=”B07Z8DBSZ9″ value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Pathogen Plague Pearl” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The deadly combination of a urethane cover stock with an Asymmetrical core, the Pyramid Pathogen Plague Pearl is like an unstoppable epidemic on the super dry lanes. The GPS Navigational Pearl Urethane cover stock is perfect for these lane conditions. And the SG 19.5 Asymmetrical core only adds fuel to the fire.

The bowling ball gets more continuity in movements with high aggression or strong back end reactions with every shot.

With the Asymmetrical core, you can play with the position of the finger holes and choose it to travel more with a strong hook or giving more backend reaction. You can further get the insert to get even better control over the revolution and make the ball spin at sharp angles.

#7. Pyramid Enchanted Path Rising

[amazon fields=”B07Z8F8P89″ value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Enchanted Path Rising” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The Pyramid Enchanted Path Rising bowling ball offers a ball that is an outcome of using the latest technology in making the modern bowling balls. The ball offers something for everyone and all playing conditions.

Whether you play on the dry lane or the heavy lane the ball will fetch you the top scores on any lane surface. Moreover, the technology offers equal advantages to the stroker and the two-handed bowler. The bowling ball also offers the best whether you love the revolution over the speed or vice-versa.

The New Era- 139 core and the Path Reactive Hybrid cover stock do the trick that is rare to find in any of the bowling balls on any lane surface. The 1500 grit finish adds to the appearance of the bowling ball when it moves on the lane. Additionally, it substantiates the reaction of the ball while reaching the far end. The ball allows you to drill the finger holes to support your favorite release in the alley. You can choose the length with a strong hook or you can opt for the strong roll and backend reaction.

#8. Pyramid Pathogen Plague Urethane

[amazon fields=”B07BNRWJ5D” value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Pathogen Plague Urethane” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The Pyramid Pathogen Plague Urethane has the New Era 139 core giving weight to the bowling ball. The symmetrical core with medium RG and differential offer decent flare potential on any lane surface. With the GPS Navigational Urethane cover stock, the ball moves with perfect precision over the high dry-lane surfaces.

The bowling ball makes a good option for beginners trying to concentrate on the basic bowling skills to graduate to the next level. Additionally, it offers a wonderful spare ball option to the professionals. The bowling ball displays ultimate discipline in the super-low-oil conditions.

#9. Pyramid Chosen Path Pearl Black/Lime Green

[amazon fields=”B07CJSDJH8″ value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Chosen Path Pearl Black/Lime Green” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

The SG 19.5 Asymmetrical core coupled with GPS Navigational Pearl Cover stock offers you a highly versatile bowling ball. Bowlers with varying degrees of skill levels can bowl on a wide range of surfaces. Whether you are an intermediate or an advanced bowler you will love to release this ball on any lane conditions from dry to the heavy oil.

You can get the ball drilled to your preferred positions. If you love to play the ball going long on the lane surface while offering a hard hook, the ball allows you to select the supporting drill holes. The ball also allows you to choose the holes for the strong roll and the backend if you particularly love the aggression while hitting the deck. You can also select to drill between the conventional tip and the fingertip holes as per your style.

#10. Pyramid Pathogen Blue Dot

[amazon fields=”B07KJXW7LF” value=”thumb” image_size=“medium” image_align=”center” image_title =“pyramid bowling balls” image_alt = “Pyramid Pathogen Blue Dot” image_width=“250” image_height=“250”/]

You can guess the outcome of an SG 19.5 Dual Density Asymmetrical core wrapped inside the glossy Polyester cover stock. Yes, a combination that provides controlled aggression. The bowling ball moves without hooking with the surface while offering great flare potential on the dry lane surfaces.

The Pyramid Pathogen Blue Dot offers you a perfect bowling ball if you are a beginner and who wish to quickly ascend to the higher skill levels. The ball also provides a great option for the advance bowlers to fetch top scores in the driest oil lane conditions.

Buyer’s Guide to Pyramid Bowling Balls

So, these were the top 10 best Pyramid bowling balls suitable for different skill levels and lane conditions. You can shortlist 2-3 balls from the list that match your requirements.

We are further sharing here the most important factors to be considered while selecting the right bowling ball. You can go through our buyer’s guide and select the most suitable Pyramid ball for your purpose from your shortlisted bowling balls.

Cover stock

The Pyramid offers cover stocks with materials having different textures, rigidity, and oil absorption capacity. The type of cover stock material determines the behavior of a particular bowling ball in different lane conditions.

There are 3 major types of cover stock material used in making bowling balls viz. Plastic/Polyester, Urethane, and Reactive Resin.

  • Plastic cover stocks are the smoothest of the three due to their specific molecular structure. Being smooth, the bowling ball shows a very minimal amount of friction with the lane surface. So, the cover stock does not offer any hook potential and makes the bowling ball highly predictable. For this reason, balls with plastic cover stocks are particularly suitable for beginners.
  • Urethane cover stocks show more friction with the lane surface and hence offer more hook potential as compared to the plastic cover stock. Different types of urethane cover stocks offer varying degrees of hook potential depending on their respective molecular structure. The reactive urethane cover stocks show very high friction due to their enhanced porosity and hence are the preferred choice of the professionals.
  • Reactive Resin cover stocks offer the maximum hook potential due to excessive friction with the lane surface. Hence these types of bowling balls are also used by the advanced bowlers in suitable lane conditions.


The cover stock of the bowling ball covers the solid block responsible for its weight. This block is called the core of the bowling ball. The core of a bowling ball determines its flare potential. There are mainly 3 types of cores viz. Pancake, Symmetrical, and Asymmetrical.

  • The Pancake cores offer negligible flare potential to the ball and thus are best suited for the beginners.
  • The Symmetrical cores offer fairly high flare potential depending on the RG and differential of the bowling ball. The finger hole positions in the symmetrical types of core do not cause much change in the weight and thus the RG & differential of the bowling ball.
  • The Asymmetrical cores tend to spin the most after hitting the surface. As the weight of the ball is unevenly distributed the finger hole positions significantly affect the weight and thus the RG and differential of the bowling ball. Both Symmetrical and Asymmetrical cores are suitable for the intermediate and advanced bowlers.


The weight of the bowling ball is another very important factor while selecting the ball. As a rule of thumb, you should select a ball that is one-tenth of your body weight.

A heavier ball may affect your control over the ball and may also make you tired pretty quickly. Additionally, it will be less predictable compared to the ball with appropriate weight.

The lighter weight ball, on the other hand, may tend to lose its direction and in turn, may reduce predictability.

The ideal way to select the right weight of the ball is to try Pyramid bowling balls with different weights in the alley and then choose the one that gets you the best control, predictability and also does not tire you too quickly.

Finger holes

Pyramid bowling balls offer two different options for finger holes. You can buy the pre-drilled bowling ball or can go for the un-drilled one.

The benefit of the pre-drilled balls is that they are ready to be used immediately after you receive them. You do not need to go to the drill shop to get it drilled.

With the un-drilled balls, you need to get it drilled at a professional drill shop. However, it is worthwhile to take the pain as you can get the finger holes drilled as per your hand measurement and style of playing the game. So, you get better control over the ball and also have less risk of hand injuries.

You can drill the Pyramid balls in two different types either the fingertip or the conventional type. Further, you can also use inserts in the case of fingertip types of finger holes to have more control over your revolutions.


Highly stylish & appealing or the most simple ones; sharp & multicolor bowling balls or plain unicolor spheres – the style and design of the bowling ball is a subjective matter. Well, whatever be your choice, the good news is that Pyramid offers quite a wide variety of bowling balls from the most simple to the highly appealing designs in various colors and themes.

You can select the bowling ball that blends well with your overall persona and style and the one that gives you confidence in the bowling alley while releasing your favorite bowling ball.


The game of bowling is more closely related to the rich & high-class society who can afford higher prices of the bowling necessities including the bowling ball. However, Pyramid has the USP of offering excellent bowling balls in an affordable price range.

If you are a beginner, you should opt for the basic low-cost bowling ball. As you grow in your skill level, you can select the ball according to your style of game, the lane conditions, and your budget. In fact, you will need to have more than one bowling ball to play in different types of lane surfaces.

In any condition, if you have budgetary constraints you should always give priority to the core functionality of the bowling ball rather than any other features that do not add to the performance value of the ball.

Pyramid thankfully offers high-quality bowling balls for all skill levels and varied lane conditions in an affordable price range.

History of Pyramid

Pyramid entered the business of bowling products in 2011. As the game is more associated with the high-economic class society, most of the sellers offered bowling ball products with higher price tags. Pyramid came up with an affordable price range of bowling ball products while still maintaining its high-quality standards.

They began with the colorful Polyester bowling ball and in a very short period expanded their business by covering the entire range of bowling ball products. Today, Pyramid offers all types of bowling balls serving to bowlers with different skill levels in all types of lane conditions.

Additionally, they sell other bowling ball necessities including different types of Shoes, Carry-Bags, Apparels, and other accessories.

They have earned a name for themselves in less than a decade in the bowling ball business and have the reputation of providing high-quality products in the most reasonable price range. At present, the Pyramid has over 200 bowling ball products in its portfolio.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Why should I prefer Pyramid bowling balls over others?

A: The biggest reason for preferring Pyramid over others is that the Pyramid is the company formed by the bowlers. Therefore, they understand the needs of the end-users of the product perfectly well and can deliver exactly as per their requirements. This is the reason why the company can deliver excellent quality bowling balls in a highly affordable price range. The high level of innovativeness is another reason why you should prefer Pyramid balls over others.

Q: What are the other products offered by Pyramid?

A: As on date, Pyramid offers over 200 different types of bowling game products. Along with their most sought-after bowling balls, they are also involved in the selling of affordable & high-quality bowling bags in bold colors loved by one and all. Additionally, they also offer Bowling Shoes, Shammy Pads, Accessory Bags, Bag Tags, and Power Strike Band, etc.

Q How often should I resurface my Pyramid bowling ball?

A: Periodical resurfacing of your Pyramid reactive bowling ball through a professional will help in maintaining its looks and performance level like a brand-new bowling ball. You should ideally get your Pyramid reactive bowling ball resurfaced after every 55-60 bowling games or at the end of every season, whichever falls earlier.

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